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  • Writer's pictureLizz

Gotta Catch 'Em All! (Day 6)


Day 6 (6-4-18)

It is a well-known fact to any traveler that a good adventure story worth telling requires some painful and challenging obstacles the heroes must overcome. Today, I found my obstacle. This was the hardest day yet within the land of fire and ice. With my sprained ankle, little sleep, and a steep hill climb for most of the morning to suffer through, I was in more than a little bit of a foul mood. We were on the search for wild puffins that live in and among the rocks, and had spent a good deal of money to find them. As is so often my luck, there was no sign of the adorable little hopping birds to be found. They'd long since figured out our presence and went into hiding. Our trek was for naught, but at least we could relax a little as we toured some more natural glaciers not too far from our puffin walk. In my sleep deprivation, I laughed myself silly over seeing an outcropping of ice that looked just like a Pokémon. Along the beach near the glaciers we found bits of ice washing ashore. Some of this ice was more than likely over a thousand years old. It's mind boggling to think that anything could stay frozen for that long! I muscled my way through the last of it with a thankful sigh of relief to get home and tend to the blisters developing on my toes.


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