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Today was traveled back to the water. We saw many coastal birds, and rock deformities. Well, rocks that had been molded and eroded by the water. Our tour guide showed us this spot on a cliff with this massive arch made of lava below us. The waves crashing below it were large with the sound of power. There was also a smaller arch next to it. Science is cool man. Nature is cool man. Iceland is cool. Down off the ridge and closer to the shore line we found a tall pointy lighthouse. I like the beach, but I’m not a big fan of being in the water. I'm almost the same way with rain. I like the rain, heck I’d say I love the rain, but I Hate being in the rain. Being rained on is not a pleasure of mine. I have a bit of envy for those who go ‘dance in the rain’, because I like puddles. One could say the ocean is a giant puddle, yes then true, but why still my mild phobia of it? No idea. Ah I love how conversations come full circle.

Till next time,


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The motel we traveled to has a hot tub!!!!! I packed my swimsuit for the Blue Lagoon swimming trip, but I was really hoping to use my swim suit more after that event. My professor didn’t think any other places would have a swimming area, much less a hot tub. BUT THIS PLACE DOES AND I’M SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT IT! No joke the first two hours after arriving at the place I was in the hot tub. It was wonderful. I was able to not only see the ocean but part of the cost line too. There was a lot of moss, as everywhere in Iceland there is, but I also saw Dandelion flowers and some see grass, which was very cool. I love Dandelions. Some people see them as weeds but not me, I see them as wishes. Chunks of wishes just waiting to be blown away by the wind, or by a passerby who believes. The class day today was more bus rides. We encountered what I think is my favorite spot so far, the Gorge. Beautiful blue water below the green mossy ridge. We also stopped at this cheeky tourist spot where you can sit in a big metal bowl set beneath a hungry/angry looking troll statue. I think it’s pretty funny. We saw another church today, but we’ve seen a lot of churches so far. I’m not religious myself, but I do appreciate good architecture. This church was gray and blue, it was a nice color combo. Sheep and their lambs lazily ate at the mossy grass that surrounded the area. So many babies!

Till tomorrow,


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Today was a travel day, but we did take pictures along the way. We stopped at a cave in which Yoda’s head shape could be found in the open splotches of the wall. We also stopped at this little lake with this big mountain behind it. The lake had a beautiful reflective surface. On both of these stops we were pestered by all the little annoying bugs that few around the area. The time is flying by, no pun intended. It is day 7 so we only have 6 days left. It’s nice to take a breath to reflect on what this adventure has taught us. I enjoy this place. Simple post today. Thank you for staying tuned into our adventure. :)

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